The Deepdive

Apple's October Event - A New Era for MacBooks and iPads?

Allen & Ida Season 1 Episode 18

What if Apple blows our minds again this October? Get ready as we explore the thrilling possibilities of the anticipated Apple event, dissecting the whispers and expectations surrounding new MacBook Pro, Mac Mini, and iMac updates. Will the powerful M4 chips make their debut, and could we finally see a Mac Mini compact enough to fit in your pocket? Join us as we navigate the noise  and speculate on the potential dates and times for this exciting event. 

But we’re not stopping there—let's talk iPads! With the base iPad and iPad Mini long overdue for a refresh, we're brimming with anticipation for new features. Could USB-C charging for iMac accessories be on the horizon? We’re analyzing all the latest leaks and sharing our predictions on what Apple’s next big moves might be. Tune in to stay ahead of the curve and get the inside scoop on all things Apple!


All right, everyone welcome back for another deep dive. We are diving headfirst into the swirling vortex of Apple rumors, trying to piece together what they might have in store for us with these upcoming announcements.


Oh yeah, those Apple events always get the tech world buzzing. Huh, it's like the calm before the storm everyone holding their breath, waiting for the next big thing.


That's one way to put it. So we are seeing articles from all over Bloomberg, macworld, macrumors and our listeners want to know what's the T-L-E-R? Will there even be an October event this year? Because some of these articles are saying maybe not.


Well, apple, they like to keep us on our toes. Last year, boom, scary, fast event late October, out of nowhere M3, macbook Pros, imacs, the whole shebang. But then 2022, crickets nothing in October Zip.


Nada. So which is it going to be this year? Another heart-stopping surprise for Radio Silence. Help us out here.


Well, if we go back a few years, there were four October events in the five years before that, so it's really anyone's guess what they'll do.


Okay, so maybe a 50-50 chance? Huh. Well, if they do grace us with an event, our listeners are dying to know when can we expect it? They got to get those calendars marked.


Mondays and Tuesdays. Those seem to be Apple's event days of choice and looking at the past few years October 14th, 15th, or maybe the 28th and 29th those are my top contenders.


I really hope they learn their lesson about that. 5 pm Pacific time start last year. Scary fast might have worked for the West Coast, but our friends across the pond not so much.


Yeah, a slightly more globally friendly time slot would be nice this time around, but let's move on to the main course.


Shall we New Macs? The rumor mill is working overtime with this one, Especially all the talk about the M4 chips. Which devices are getting an upgrade? What's the inside scoop?


The MacBook Pro is practically a lock for an upgrade, 14-inch and 16-inch models probably getting the full M4 treatment, m4, m4 Pro and M4 Max variations.


But no major redesign.


It seems like they're focusing on the inside this time. Power over aesthetics, you know.


Gotcha A refined evolution, not a revolution. Yeah, love it. What else is on the menu for us Mac fans?


The Mac Mini. Now that little guy is way overdue for some love. Been rocking the same design for ages. Word on the street is they might shrink it down, maybe even smaller than an Apple TV.


No way A Mac Mini that tiny. Imagine that A powerhouse you can practically fit in your pocket. Okay, now that's what I call innovation. I need to see this to believe it. What about the iMac? Any love for our favorite desktop?


The iMac's definitely due for an M4 refresh. But the real question is, will they finally finally ditch that lightning port on the accessories and give us USB-C charging?


You know, that might actually be the biggest upgrade of all. I mean, don't get me wrong, the M4 chips are amazing, but universal charging for my whole Apple ecosystem.


Yeah, that would be life changing. Well, they just got those shiny new versions back in May remember the Air and the Pro so I'd say it's highly unlikely we'd see another update so soon.


Right, right, gotta space those releases out.


Exactly, but the entry level iPad and the iPad mini now, those are practically begging for a refresh.


Okay, yeah, that makes sense. It has been a while since those got some love. How long are we talking here? When were their last updates?


Let's see the base iPad. That was back in 2022.


2022. Wow Feels like a decade ago in tech years.


Tell me about it and the iPad Mini, that one's even further back 2021, if you can believe it 2021.


Okay, so the iPad and iPad Mini are definitely due back 2021. If you can believe it, 2021. Okay, so the iPad and iPad mini are definitely due, but what kind of upgrades?


are we talking? Give us the good stuff. Well, for the iPad mini, a faster chip is pretty much a given. Got to keep those things running smoothly right, Especially with all the demanding apps and games these days.


Yeah, no one wants a laggy iPad, so faster performance is a given. What else?


Camera improvements are always a safe bet. Probably see upgrades to both the front and rear cameras.


Oh, good news for all those iPad photographers out there. What about that jelly scrolling issue? Have you heard about that? Is Apple finally fixing that?


Oh, you mean the wobbly screen thing. Yeah, that's been a persistent rumor.


I've seen some videos and it looks kind of nauseating. Not going to lie.


It's definitely not the smoothest user experience, that's for sure, but rumor has it Apple's finally addressing it with this update.


Well, praise be A win for iPad mini users everywhere. Anything else in the rumor mill, I heard whispers about Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3. Is that?


happening? Yeah, those are definitely possibilities. Wi-fi 6E is all about faster speeds, lower latency, you know. Smoother streaming, quicker downloads.


Okay, so basically the Internet, but on warp speed Got it.


Pretty much. And Bluetooth 5.3,. That means better energy efficiency, more reliable connections with your wireless devices.


Right right, all the important behind-the-scenes stuff. It's like a tech tune-up. But you know, knowing what won't be at the event is just as important as knowing what will be there. Right Manages expectations.


Oh, absolutely Got to keep those expectations in check. So, based on everything we've seen, there are a few things we can probably rule out.


Hit us with the bad news. What can we cross off our wish lists? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but don't expect to see a new Mac Studio or Mac Pro this time around. Yeah, figures, those are usually on a slower upgrade cycle right.


Exactly Early to mid 2025 is probably the earliest we'll see those and the MacBook Air. That's probably a no-show as well.


Didn't that just get an update like this year?


Yeah, in the spring Got that new M3 chip, so another update so soon would be unusual. Most likely looking at spring 2025 for that one.


Okay, so Mac Studio, mac Pro, macbook Air all on hold. Anything else, we should mentally prepare ourselves to wait for. What about a new iPhone SE, some AirTag upgrades, maybe a revamped Apple TV?


I hate to disappoint, but all of those are probably 2025 news as well. This event seems like it's going to be laser focused on Macs and iPads.


Okay, so maybe not the massive product drop some were hoping for, but still plenty to be excited about. But here's a thought Even without a hardware extravaganza, couldn't Apple still have some software surprises up their sleeve?


Now you're talking. Remember Apple's got that whole software ecosystem to think about. There are always improvements to be made, new features to roll out.


So you're thinking some juicy iOS updates, maybe some Apple intelligence goodies iOS updates.


Now there's a thought iOS 18.1 is due out any day now. So yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if we got some news on that front.


Oh right, see, I get so caught up in the hardware hype I forget about the software side of things. Ios 18.1, that's got to be about due right.


Yep, and you know those point releases can be sneaky. Important Bug fixes, performance improvements, little things that make a big difference.


Totally. It's all about those quality of life upgrades. But speaking of quality, what about Apple intelligence? Any chance they'll use this as an opportunity to flex their AI muscles a little?


Hmm, now, that's an interesting thought. It wouldn't be out of character for them to slip in some AI updates.


Maybe some new Siri features or something.


Could be or improved voice recognition, or who knows? Maybe they'll surprise us with something totally unexpected.


That's what I love about Apple Always a wild card up their sleeve I'm getting excited all over again.


You know, even if this event ends up being more low-key, focusing on those core updates and refinements, it's still a big deal. It gives us a glimpse into Apple's priorities, their vision for the future.


It's like they're playing 40 chess and we're just trying to keep up. But that's the fun of it, right? There's always something new on the horizon, always something to look forward to Exactly.


That's the beauty of technology it never stands still.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Well, folks, there you have it. We've waded through the rumors, analyzed the leaks and emerged with a better understanding of what Apple might have in store for us this October, and, who knows, maybe a few surprises along the way, always.


Well, thanks for joining us on this deep dive into the world of Apple rumors. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss our next episode, where we'll be tackling a whole new tech frontier. Until then, stay curious.

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